August 29, 2009


Here's an extract from the author of the following Video - Finding Uranium In Nature.

I went to saxony (a part of Germany) to find uranium 'in the wild' at abandoned uranium mines, dig sites and stockpiles.

due to the increased uranium content in the earth's surface, saxony is a lot more irradiated than berlin, as you can clearly see in the video (although there are other means of contamination - such as the chernobyl accident - that can also be a cause for increased background radiation

this video also includes a visit to the uranium mine 'MARKUS SEMMLER' and, of course, me digging for (and finding some) uranium minerals.
the radioactive minerals i found are uranocircite and autunite. they now have a new caring and loving home at my place.

ps: i know it's not just uranium in there but a lot of other radionuclides that are within the decay chain, as well as the end product - stable lead. i just called it all 'uranium' for simplicity.

I Will Continue to Add additional Videos to My Australian Uranium ASX Explorers Search Blog Over The Coming Period

Cheers & Enjoy

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